
When I was 7 years old, I was an incredibly curious kid. So, anything was like magic to me. The only thing I was scared to learn about, though, were the scary things. And, for some random reason, I was terrified of things…that were smaller than me.

So, it was the summer before 3rd grade, and I decided that the garage was randomly going to be the most interesting thing I learned about. Of course, what I didn’t know, was that there were many different kinds of spiders in my state, and my house was right in front of a forest, so our garage was a perfect hiding place.

And, of course, I went into the garage and found a weird thing sticking out of the door(it was a lock), so I pressed it, and closed the door behind. As the idiot that I was…I had locked myself in the garage.

I turned around, and right there, on the other side of the car…was a spider. Nonononono, not any spider. A venomous female black widow spider monstrous satan spawn thing. Okay, maybe I was over exaggerating, but it was terrifying. I started screaming and banging on the door, trying to get my dad’s attention from upstairs. I started crying at one point, I mean, I was 7 years old, and scream crying, which was the most horrifying sound for my dad, and I knew that would get him to come. He came downstairs fast, because I could hear his running footsteps banging on the steps, unlocked and opened the door, and pulled me inside as soon as he saw the monstrosity.

To this day, I am absolutely terrified of spiders, even if their tinier than an ant. And I don’t go into my garage anymore.




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